PHP tutorial(Function)

The syntax of function is very similar to Javascript:

 function abc() {
echo "I love PHP";

echo "Hello, World

The output is:

Hello, World
I love PHP

You can put any PHP code into the function block. But you should keep in mind, to use a function, you must call functin name with "()". In the above the sample, we call the function:


We can pass parameters to a function:

function abc($count, $msg = "I love PHP") {
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){
echo $msg . "


The output is that the value of $msg "I love PHP" will be displayed for 5 times.

We can use the return statements to assign a variable's value based on the results of the execution of a particular function. For example:

 function compareNum($v1, $v2) {
if($v1 > $v2) {
return "Yes";
} else {
return "No";

$anwser = compareNum(8, 10);
echo "Is 8 greater than 10? -- $answer!";

The output will be:

Is 8 greater than 10? -- No!

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